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invertedworld 2 Sep 11 11:40

Hi. It looks as though the set list for Wednesday's gig at Brixton has been accidentally overwritten with the one from Thursday. As a new member here I'm whether it's OK to revert it using the history page?

Will 26 Jul 11 11:03

Dishes - it seems unlikely. They have played two tracks off This Is Hardcore since the reunion (A Little Soul and This Is Hardcore). I suppose they could play others, especially as Russell won't be there.

mirohead 15 Jul 11 12:20

Hi we're going to see Pulp in Melbourne soon - any chance you think they might do Dishes? My FAVOURITE!!!

Will 13 Jul 11 22:10

If you mean the man sitting next to Jarvis, his name is John Huntley. I can't tell you anything about him other than he was presumably a model/actor.

bttfmusic 13 Jul 11 15:26

WATCH PULP COVERS BAND IN LONDON. Check the vid on the link. Actually really good!

yankuzmin 9 Jul 11 15:05

sorry for question, but tell me please, who is this man in This Is Hardcore booklet ?

TimL 22 Jun 11 12:33

Hello one and all! I work for Absolute Radio and just thought I'd drop you all a line to let you know that the station is giving away TEN PAIRS of tickets to see Pulp live at Wireless festival 2011. It's dead easy, have a look :) ->

Cheers, Tim.

Will 11 Apr 11 11:14

Alfie24: The other guitarist was Richard Hawley.

Alfie24 1 Apr 11 3:43

Question regarding line up. What is the band line up on the Park is Mine video??? IF Senior left in 97 who is playing guitar besides webber??? Thanks.

Jarvette 7 Feb 11 14:25

Does anyone know if it's possible to find a cutout cardboard of Jarvis from Different Class era? (could you imagine the things that could be done with him?!)

? 3 May 10 7:12

Does anyone know where can I get Acoustic piano transcriptions of Pulp or Jarvis ("I will kill again" in particular) ?
my adress :
Thanks !

Jarvette 27 Apr 10 9:03

I agree with pudd XD

ludwigseiller 13 Apr 10 20:28

Where I can get a copy of "Journeys Into the Outside With Jarvis Cocker"
please let me know

Aaa 9 Feb 10 20:47

Is there any more Info on the "Permanent Darkness Mix" of "This is Hardcore" that appeared on that Blog and on the "Remake Version" of "Sunrise"?

pudd 23 Dec 09 19:01

Release Catcliffe shakedown, its too good to be just a demo ( from EX Catcliffe boy) ,or I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE

Megan 22 Dec 09 23:48

Does anyone know where to get the b-sides for Bad Cover Version (Forever In My Dreams & Yesterday)?

Eno 17 Dec 09 19:34

Anyone know where I would be able to get Relaxed muscle B-sides, I allready had a hell of a time finding the album here in belgium.

fishy 5 Dec 09 20:21

Anyone want to buy a bunch of pulp memorabilia and CDs (as a job lot)
Please see (Ebay UK Item 260518651391)


CDs (varying condition, well used, some damaged boxes):
Get frisky with pulp CD bootleg
Both Party Hard CD singles
Both This is Hardcore CD singles
Lipgloss CD single
A Little Soul CD single
Help the Aged CD single
The Sisters EP on CD
Disco 2000 CD single
This is Hardcore CD album
His n Hers CD album
We Love Life CD album
Different Class CD album

Videos (good condition, watched once or twice):
The Park is Mine (Finsbury Park Concert) on VHS

Memorabilia (all in perfect condition):
A signed letter from Alex who used to run the PulpPeople fanclub, discography leaflet and PulpPeople promotional leaflet
Pulp People 21 newsletter (Winter 1997)
Pulp People 22 newsletter (Spring 1998)
Pulp People 23 newsletter (Summer Special June 1998)
Pulp People 24 newsletter (Autumn 1998)
Pulp People 25 newsletter (Winter 1998)
Pulp People 26 newsletter (Spring 1999)
Welcome to Pulp People leaflet signed by alex & happy birthday message from Alex
Pulp in 1998 summary sheet
Pulp Arena Tour 1996 souvenir programme
Pulp Disco-Very A4 booklet
Pulp Scrapbook Volume 2 (1992-1993)
Pulp Scrapbook Volume 2 (1993-1994)

FRL-KEANE-RUSSIA 9 Nov 09 11:39

"Live Bed Show" '96 & '02...Again and again and again...)))

Will 18 Oct 09 22:19

Renán - It is on my copy too, so it is indeed part of the original track.

Renán 17 Oct 09 23:37

Hello. I have a doubt. I have bought "His 'n' Hers" double-disc and the song "Space (BBC Hit The North Session)" has an interruption at 2:29. I would like to know if it is original part of track, or is only defect of my disc.
Thank you in advance for your answers.

? 17 Sep 09 21:33

I love love love Pulp, they will be my fav band ever!

davoloid 6 Aug 09 14:08

Will dig through my Pulp archive some time!

Has anyone thought about adding spotify / links for the songs and albums? How about iTunes or one of the other music stores? Might bring some money in to support hosting.

E. 28 Jul 09 20:21

Does anyone know where I can find a wall poster of This Is Hardcore?


fedeus 19 Jul 09 0:33

Jarvis has to come to Argentina as soon as posible! We miss his music!



Natalie 18 Jun 09 7:03

I've created a new Britpop crossword!

You can check it out at


? 17 May 09 22:05

Ah, ok. Fair play for the transcription!

Will 17 May 09 22:04

"How have you heard 'The Night They Left Me Out of the Home'?!"
It was rehearsed when Jarvis was playing at the gallery in Paris, that's all. I haven't heard the studio recording.

? 16 May 09 21:07

How have you heard 'The Night They Left Me Out of the Home'?!

THROWBACK 20 Apr 09 5:03


THROWBACK is a London club night and we're having a PULP SPECIAL on Friday the 24th of APRIL.

Here's the blurb, pulp fans:


April the 24th at the Phoenix bar, Cavendish Square.


Do you remember dancing in your provincial night-club or student disco? Do you remember the way the dance floor packed out to Echo and The Bunnymen, Carter USM, The Wedding Present, Blur or Pulp?



Aren’t you sick of the same club nights playing the same haircut indie /nu rave / myspace-ache?
Aren't you sick of the fact that the only time they play one of YOUR songs is in an ‘ironic’ way?
Don't you wish you had a club to go to that you actually like?

THROWBACK is that club night!


david 17 Mar 09 15:33

oh and if anyone wants a friend to got with to a jarvis cocker gig let me know, but im from wales lol. none of my friends will come with me!!!!

david 17 Mar 09 15:31

where can i buy these bootlegs? thanks

Iain Banksex lead singer of trolley dog 11 Mar 09 15:02

Steve Mackey well where do you start?Hes like a small dog you sometimes pat!Hes a chameleon which is no bad thing,but you need a spine.Come on steve this could be your year to develope a personality!Good luck boy.

? 1 Jan 09 18:49

Great to find this as my Ancestors lived at 59,Lyndhurst Grove but it was the Camberwell location.

j.sterling.ellison 19 Sep 08 9:35

How 'bout an update on what Saskia Cocker is doing these days? Had she continued with Pulp she'd be considered one of the most beautiful women in Rock! Early pictures of her show an obvious vibrancy. I've only seen her recently in the Made In Sheffield documentary.

Wil 7 Sep 08 16:54


Hi Folks...

I was just doing some interweb searching for something totally different and happened upon your page:

For the anorak-minded among you, just wanted to say that I won the prizes on Pulp's John Peel show, for suggesting they play Spizz's Virginia Plain at 33rpm. I won a big picture of Pulp on a wooden board, several bags of rubbish records and a bottle of whisky. The girl from Radio 1 explained to me not to worry that Jarvis had opened the whisky as "he hasn't spat in it or anything"... (it's probably still hidden away in a cupboard somewhere, untested).

Lots of pleasantries.

Wil Walker

dirk_ireland 13 Jul 08 21:31

Thank you very much for this project. I will try to contribute as good as possible.

Both thumbs up!

G Sharp 2 Jul 08 19:40

HEllo to all!
We are HUGE fans of PULP and so have joined the site. Are we able to post videos and photos and stuff? whats the score, can we chat with other fans? email nice 1!

jonathan walton 28 Jun 08 16:17

I am trying desperately to get in touch with jarvis cocker - I wonder if anyone can help?
we first met in the early eighties and I knew Pulp ages before it was famous...any thoughts?

cat 10 Jun 08 18:03

Richard Hawley's playing a festival in East Leeds called the Garforth Arts Festival, 5th July, £20 1-11pm. Usual stuff. Family friendly type one day event on a playground, with all sorts of other music. Come! Come!

Will 16 Feb 08 15:23

Thank you for the information. I have added the dates to the list.

d-11 16 Feb 08 12:26

FYI, Jarvis is scheduled to play in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on March 11 and 12 at La Trastienda Club ( Although it is not listed on that website yet, according to Ticketek ( tickets will be available soon. La Nacion and Clarin newspapers also confirmed the news (

Will 5 Feb 08 22:36

I have recently made available two live Pulp recordings on the Dimeadozen site.

  • Glastonbury, June 1994
  • Piece Hall, Halifax, September 1992

I also plan to add some more stuff in the coming days and weeks, so check it out if you're interested.

Will 11 Jan 08 22:10

The Adelphi 1986 flyer can be seen here and here.

Thanks Andy.

andy faint 10 Jan 08 17:54

Will - just sent it, Yes it was with Dig Vis Drill. Enjoy.

Will 14 Feb 08 11:09

Andy - I would definitely be interested in seeing the flyer. It would be great if you could upload it on to the site or if you like send me a scan of it and I'll sort it out for you. Thanks.

In February 1986 Jarvis would have still been in a wheelchair after injuring himself falling out of a window the previous November.

Does the flyer list other bands that played - Pulp where playing a lot of gigs with another Sheffield band called Dig Vis Drill at that time.

andy faint 7 Jan 08 19:35

ive just found an old flyer for the adelphi club in Hull with a pulp gig date as sat 1st feb 1986, that date isn't on the live list, anyone interested in seeing the flyer or putting it on the site?

samantha clarke 7 Jan 08 0:54

thank you will phillips 4 making this fab site , this is the first time iv seen it, and i love it already. xx

Gab Mackey 14 Nov 07 23:54

I wanna have photos of my Steve Mackey!!!

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Page last modified on October 25, 2011, at 04:58 PM